Family Protection Trust (FPT)

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Having worked hard to buy your own home understandably you want to ensure that it will ultimately pass to your family and that it will be protected for their benefit.

Yet many people don’t realise that when we older we are more likely than ever before to end up in a care home or need residential care.

If you go into care the Local Authority can take almost everything you own to pay for your care and yes that includes your home.

No matter which political party is in power, no government can afford to change this policy.

To try and prevent this problem and to try to avoid losing their home many people transfer the ownership of their house to their children now, but this presents problems.

  • What if your children become bankrupt?
  • What if your children divorce?
  • What if they die?
  • What about the Capital Gains Tax?
  • Even worse what if your children fall out with you and ask you to leave!  

The only real way of protecting your home is through a Family Protection Trust (FPT) We can arrange everything and in doing so protect your home for those you love the most.