Standard Wills, Off the Shelf pre-printed Wills and on-line Wills They are such a Bad Idea..!

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There really is no such thing as a Standard Will, just as we are all different in so many ways so are our lives. Your Will should reflect your personal wishes and you should not fit yourself and your wishes into a standard printed form.

Standard Wills, Off the shelf, pre-printed Wills, or On-line Wills can end up costing a lot more in the long run especially when trying to obtain probate as many are considered void or leave the deceased partially or completely intestate. You don’t even know if they are legally valid as they give you no advice or carry any professional indemnity policy to protect you.

In fact they carry what we call a Health Warning Notice.
They state that you:

Use this form at your own risk – this form is not suitable for everyone and we do not accept any liability for its use by you nor do we warrant that it complies with any current legislation.

Yet some people still use these types of Wills however they will not protect your loved ones after you have gone.

These Wills normally end up being rejected on application for Probate Certificate, then what happens? Well you die intestate and as a result leave a whole lot of heartache and problems for those you loved the most, and at a time when they least need more bad news.

There are a number of legal issues that can arise out of a Will and to ensure it complies with the law it really needs to be drafted professionally and by a Professional company who specialises in Will writing such as us.

There is no such thing as a Standard Will.
Standard Wills do not cater for any of the following:
(1) What if you’re blind?
(2) What if you have assets abroad?
(3) What if your partner is a bankrupt?
(4) What if you have a divorce?
(5) What about Education for younger children?
(6) What about guardians for your Children?
(7) What about guardians for your pets?
(8) What about if one or more of your children get divorced?
(9) What if you wish to exclude someone from your Will
(10) What if your Partner dies before you?

And there are so many more issues i.e. if you or your partner has a business? What happens to this then?

The list can be endless however here at Professional Will Writers we can ensure not only will your Will accurately reflect your true wishes, but you will ensure you don’t leave a legacy of problems rather than a legal valid Will.

If you truly wish to protect those you love the most then you will be concerned about these things, which is why a good Will should only be prepared once the Will writer has explored all of your circumstances and fully understood what you want to achieve by making a Will.

Professional Will Writers offer a comprehensive service to ensure your wishes are recorded accurately and to ensure your Will is legal and Valid. A Professional Service of the highest standard and bespoke Wills to reflect your true wishes. All our Wills are covered by our Professional Indemnity Insurance for £2 Million Pounds giving you complete peace of mind.