Why make a Will?

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Lets face a fact of life we are all going to get older and none of us will live forever. Yes it’s a fact of life. It’s clear that we all wish to protect our family and friends whilst we are alive and feel it our duty to the very best we can.

But oddly enough most people choose to do nothing to protect those they love the most after they have passed. Well by writing your Will you can ensure you can still protect them after you have passed away.

Most people assume that all their money will automatically pass to their next of kin, but this isn’t always true.

If you don’t leave a Will then the State determines who inherits your estate.

No-one likes to talk about death, especially their own, but if you don’t make any plans on how you want to distribute your estate while you’re still alive, you can leave a host of problems and hardships for your grieving family. 

Without a Will you family will be presented with a whole host of problems at a time when they least wish too.

If you want to:

  • Make proper provisions for your family.
  • Leave legacies to your children/grandchildren.
  • Make a charitable donation
  • Protect your family from Inheritance Tax
  • Appoint Guardians for your children
  • Appoint Guardians for your pets
  • Leave a specific heirloom to somebody
  • Protect assets against care home fees

If you care about those you love the most then you need to write your Will.