Will Claims | Defending and Contesting a Will

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Inheritance Act Claims

The object of an Inheritance Act Claim is to redistribute the deceased’s estate to make reasonable financial provision for those related to the deceased and their dependants if the will or the law relating to intestacy has not done so already.


Dependants can be anyone who was dependent on the deceased during his lifetime so it could any of the following:

  •  A husband, wife, civil partner or cohabitee of the deceased
  • A former husband, wife or civil partner of the deceased who was receiving maintenance and has not remarried/entered into a new civil partnership
  • A child of the deceased
  • Any person who was treated as a ‘child of the family’ of the deceased
  • Any person who was partly or wholly maintained by the deceased immediately before the death
Can you claim to find out Call us immediately as strict time limits apply to Inheritance Act Claims | Call 0333 772 0198